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Do you ReCycle

I’ve just caught a friend’s tweet, he created a small mobile video clip during his queuing at the local re-cycling centre. This brought back into my mind one of my “issues”, and I know it is mine: Shitty Councils, or is it top-down misdirected policy? Ok so firstly,...

Kidney Stones FKN Hurt

Strange title perhaps, but one that is true, Kidney stones really do fucking hurt, and a lot! I felt I should write up a blog about the previous week as many people were wondering what I was doing or up to, some people had read my status message on Facebook, some just...

Uttering Things

I tried out the service Utterz today, and whilst it asks for a USA number to create an account I manage to get around that by using one of my skype-in numbers, the Amercian one naturally. Anyway this service is pretty cool in that you can upload a bunch of media and...

New Media Course Design

I’m designing a New Media course module which will sit inside an under-graduate degree, at the final year stage, so typically analysis, dissemination, examination, reflection, future visions etc would be considered. I envisage a heavy emphasis surrounding the future...