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Google Groups and Swicki

Dave Perry dropped this tip to me after a brief mention of us needing something to draw three classes together and pool resources. I proposed Google Groups, not least because it is a focussed contact mechanism, and very easy to get a message into people’s life....

RSS Feed For All Forum Threads

Yesterday I made a modification to the forums on Audiocourses. The modification is a superb tool and took no more than, what 30 mins, from start to finish. The end result is a unique rss feed for each individual forum thread on the board! Naturally this is the way...

Student Loan Consolidation Rates

I was wondering today, on a return journey back from a degree validation meeting, about student loan consolidation rates. In the UK students are expected to take out study loans in order to pay for their university experience, and I know this to be the case in many...

Consolidate Loans

I have a friend who helps to consolidate loans, well he doesn’t actually consolidate the loans, that would be untrue, but he does work for a loan consolidation company. Humpa works for US Debt Resolve, which is basically a loan consolidation company. I think I...