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Quick Guide On How To Start a Blog

OK disclaimer first: I’m no expert I’m just like you, it’s just I’ve been doing this a bit longer. No seriously though getting a blog up and running is as easy as putting your shoes on. I’ll indicate a few things here that will help you on your way. 1. you can choose...

Open Organisations

What is an open organisation and how can you achieve it? You can take a variety of channels and mediums and become impressed to hear various voices bubbling with enthusiasm and knowledge for change. It is most impressive when these voices have an outlet, and channel...

Do You Fall For Buzz Words

I was again perusing my friends’ tweets on Twitter this fine Saturday morning and I became aware that a recent buzz word seems to be “Social Media Breakfast”. Social Media Breakfast I say, hmm … what does that mean to you? I have an idea of the concept but I really...

Do you ReCycle

I’ve just caught a friend’s tweet, he created a small mobile video clip during his queuing at the local re-cycling centre. This brought back into my mind one of my “issues”, and I know it is mine: Shitty Councils, or is it top-down misdirected policy? Ok so firstly,...