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Chinwag Measuring Social Media

Yesterday I attended the event “measuring social media” chaired by Jim Sterne of Web Analytics Association with a panel comprising of: Alex Burmaster – European Internet Analyst, Nielsen Online Alex did a fair amount of pitching to begin with, and to be...

Labour Take Liberty Away From You

Some time ago I created an awareness group in Facebook, aimed at pointing out what a dick Gordon Brown is, together with the legacy left behind by another first-class spineless tit, Blair. The aim is to raise awareness at a few things, firstly that Brown is an...

Twitter Without Images Google Feast

This is what Twitter looks like when their image server don’t work. Their images are stored on amazon big boys I believe, here: (that won’t work by the way). It’s interesting to note that...

LinkedIn Clean Up Mailing List

A friend Shani Lee asked me directly today “How do you use LinkedIn? What do you see as the benefits?” So here are 10 of them: 1. LinkedIn is considered a “business” network, that is to say, formal and corporate to some extent, the platform has kudos in that world, it...

Social Media Mafia “sit down” #1 Summary

The first Social Media Mafia “sit down” took place in the East End of London in a swanky Asian restaurant known as the Scarlet Dot, a term which pays homage to the Hindu Bindi. The food was great and the company even better, where new people were introduced to new...