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Future Of Web Apps

I was recently checking out The Future Of Web Apps lectures. This was just what I needed this morning in order to get tuned into some site design and conceptualisation I need to get going today and over the weekend.

I’m wanting to re-vamp some of the services available on The Phone Cam, which will allow far more user interaction. Since we launched that site I’ve been really gagging to get more user interaction, everyone loves getting gossip and becoming part of a multi-user community providing it is busy and very transparent. The transparency in technology is totally essential. One of the ways TPC currently has interaction is through posting comments to a blogged picture, this then sends and e-mail to the poster that a user has commented on their content. Whilst this is awesome and cool, it’s not yet immediate enough for me. The thing is we are encouragring a user to use their phone to send content, that part works great, the user takes a pic and hits send, it’s blogged, sweet. A user can even use their wap connection and log-in to the site through their phone and comment, but this is the crunch, that is not transparent, it’s not “girl-proof” (no offense girls), I mean this in a positive sense, it is not easy, not easy enough.

So the developmental plan is to get TPC to be phone-text enabled, through either sms and or e-mail.

I feel we need to change the way this will operate slightly from a user perspective, to not so much have the focus on pic discussion but to enable general discussion based on the users group, or network, or chosen pool of buddies/friends, much in the way works.