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She’s Got An Iron Stomach – Or How I Felt Selling My Business

Just got back from picking my eldest up from gymnastics, and WOW the circuit training that I saw made my jaw drop…

Incredible, she’s gonna be even fitter than she is already, her stomach is like iron as it is! …

Anyway…. I was thinking about something…

The very first time I got a call asking me if I wanted to sell my business (the first one)…

To be honest I thought is was a wind up, who the hell was this crazy person pranking me?… you’d think the same right?

I laugh now but I was really suspicous at the time and gave him a real grilling on the phone…

Turns out it was all so very real and then my heart starting pumping like crazy!!!!

Not going into the details but DAMN did it feel good, the whole negotiation, the journey, the sale and of course the eventual heap of cash into my bank account…

It was so validating!”


Why am I telling you this?

Well I posted a video about it – yes Car Casting again and I talk about it over on Youtube… me in the car chatting, too much fun, right?

Get on over there and subscribe, but even better than that leave a comment for me…

Hey if you have an idea for me to talk about regarding business or marketing, let me know, love to help you out and succeed, it’s my mantra… you succeed we succeed.


Chris Hambly.