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Fwd: SMM Rules

Had this from a guy who wanted to join the Social Media Mafia group on LinkedIn.

I absolutely LOVE the copywriting!  Succinct,
brillant (nice to finally join a group that doesn’t permit selling), totally
creativity-inspiring and laughable (i.e., “pimping”).






Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 1:45 AM
To: Mán
Subject: SMM Rules

LinkedIn Groups

  • Group:
    Social Media Mafia
  • Subject: SMM Rules

Firstly may I say what a great pleasure it is to have
you want to join this group. With that in mind may I say we surely all
want the very best environment to operate in, and gain good value.


Our mission is “facilitating critical thinking, amiably” – it
is the inverse of selling, schilling, pimping, which is not tolerated here
– if you do that you will be booted.

So, set out below are these
three main areas to consider when using the group.

IN THIS GROUP – No sales efforts will be permitted in the main body of any
post on this groups site. If you would like to promote your company, the
only way it will be permitted in this group is when you are responding to
an existing discussion that is applicable. All other sales posts will be

2. No broad announcements that you are “expanding your
network” will be permitted in any posts in this group. If your discussion
string invites people to “Join your network” then it will be removed.
Please invite people directly: one-on-one. If you mass broadcast that you
are expanding your network then you may be removed from this group all

3. Jobs – The job section is for jobs, real jobs with a
budget, no working for free concepts where profit share may follow, or
some other “in-kind” outcome. Also no recruitment agencies sneaking around
looking for leads, if you have a job post it up with full

4. EVENTS – this group is NOT a billboard for advertising
events. The only events that will be published here are events which are
Social Media Mafia based.

Thank you for your time and

Best Regards,
Chris Hambly
Social Media
Mafia Administrator

Chris Hambly –