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Student Loan Consolidation Rates

I was wondering today, on a return journey back from a degree validation meeting, about student loan consolidation rates. In the UK students are expected to take out study loans in order to pay for their university experience, and I know this to be the case in many countries.

My wondering was due to the fact that most students embark on a three year degree plan, which when considering accommodation fees, tuition fees, living expenses means that a serious amount of debt can be accumulated, and needs consolidating, I was predicting anywhere between around 15-20k!

I also am aware that government legislation is such that the loan does not have to be consolidated until the student, once in employment, earns more than a set amount, and then it is fractional I believe.

Some have been known to say that the loan debt can almost be written off as a small monthly tax for a very extended period of time.

So I am now curious to investigate more about student loan consolidation rates in terms of the fractional percentages and time-scales, at least as a means to be able to answer potential studies, when asked on this subject.