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Sex or music, which is best?

Sex or music, which is best?

Here is a recent picture of yours truly taken at a recent Bare Knuckle Blues Band gig. It’s quite a stunning image taken by the wonderful Bjorn Thomassen. I like the image as I think it captures my emotion quite well, you know full on in the moment, verging...

Easter gigs

I’ve a couple back to back gigs this Easter weekend with the Bare Knuckle Blues Band. Should be a blast for sure, as we are fresh out of the studio having recorded 4 cover songs, as a prelude, and studio practice to an album (yet to be written). I’m...

Like a virgin

I recall very vividly visiting Plymouth as a kid in the late 70s and witnessing a mass group of punks hanging out around the local Virgin record store. It was clear, I felt it, I sensed the emotion that something really important, something big was taking place....